Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Personal - UFO's in the Workplace

Bruce Allison Bryan Jr., yes I said Allison, it’s actually the name of a transmission company, Detroit Allison, who used to install transmissions in aircraft carriers.  Growing up, I have many memories in the passenger’s seat of an ‘88 Dodge quad cab diesel.  Hearing the roar of the diesel and the wind rocking our load as we follow a semi going 95 mph through the deserts of Nevada at 2 AM. We’re both struggling to keep our eyes open as my dad weaves his way through the lighted trucks. we are concerned about the three cars we are  towing.  I’m at work with my dad.  He got paid per mile.  Not per hour.  There are no more seeds and empty coffee cups filled with shells piling up, leftover from our last pit stop.  We were 30 seconds faster last time....My father and I had a maximum 5 minute pit stop requirement. That means I will need to run in, pee, grab two coffees, and a new bag of seeds in under 5 minutes. (That’s how long it takes to pump 88 gallons of fuel)  My dad always had a spiral notebook in the truck, to record mileage. I was the co-pilot.  In addition to my store duties, I tuned the radio (like a HAM radio operator) in and out as we passed over mountains to assure the reception of the local night time DJ's. We listened to the UFO conspirators theorize about reported sightings that have occurred throughout the decades on the planes we are driving through. As I sit there, with these beautiful dark plains framed in the windows of the truck, I can’t help but think of the hours I spent in front of the television screen and my mom's house.  Both experiences have played into God’s preparation of me to become a manager of 30 engineers at a utility.  

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