Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why the Blog

My Son Jesse gave his life to our Father today, hallelujah.!

Look to the right for more pages.....
Easter Slideshow    Here are some cool pictures from this weekend........

I currently manage 30 engineers at a utility. I am being thrust into the "Limelight". In some ways I liked it better when I was a worker bee. I came in, did by b'dness, and left. However, as I am on this journey with the Lord, and He is leading, I am being taken through some eye opening experiences. The best experiences are those where I choose to interact with the Holy Spirit in the Workplace.

I have always loved writing as well, so I thought I might capture those experiences in a blog, and who knows, it may turn into an autobiography to collects dust on my mantle.

My father and I have recently experienced healing in our relationship. God's Power is Unmatched in all the Universe.

I have been drawn back into the IHOP Worship Circle that captured the imaginations of my youth. In that pursuit, I find myself needing to see the Heart of God's people encouraged through the gifting of prophecy.

My strength and vitality are returning, despite a long bought with alcohol. I am amazed at how God preserved me and my family.......and I want to give glory to God, at His Miraculous Faithfulness in the execution of His Promises that set me free.......

I have had military training. My West Point Military Academy memories have been suppressed due to PostTraumicStressDisorder, caused by traumatic events I experienced as a child. I want to assimilate all of my current emotions and past experiences into a crystalized, concrete Testimony of God's faithfulness. There is a psychological element to my testimony of healing that I will be exploring.

I am actively pursuing healing. I attend mental health counseling weekly. I am identifying the wounds, during EMDR treatments. An example of a wound is the belief that I was an introvert. I am not. I am an extrovert and I want to capture the differences in the responses, of my employees and those that I love, to this revelation.

Writing is therapeutic for me. I will vary my style. If you don't like that, this blog will not live up to your expectations. I will intermingle personal stories of my youth into the realities I see God putting together, right before my feet. My faith is encouraged when I live in the moment, not the past, not the future, but Presently Engaged with the Director of this Miracle we call LIFE.


  1. I hadn't re-read this in a while. I like the edit. I'm loving watching what God is doing in you to bring you to freedom. I love you eternally!

  2. Ditdu Babe. I want you to edit out all my mistakes :)
