6 The Revelation of Christ within His Church - part 3

Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ

John 14

1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

When are hearts are turned over to God, we enter a new Kingdom and are subject to Kingdom rules, not the world's rules that are attempting to place themselves on us.  We must now exhibit stewardship, of the Mystery that now lives within.  It is our job and duty to become accustomed to the Kingdom rules and come to a true understanding of the Father's priorities, so that we can take those on as we extend, the Kingdom of His Love".

My paraphrase of the Madame Guyon Principle

Praying Scripture

  • Choose a simple, practical passage.
  • Come Humbly and quietly
  • Read slowly, digest it fully
  • Read until you sense the heart of it
  • Turn it into a prayer
  • Wait for a revelation that breaks out like an aroma.

Beholding the Lord - Waiting in His Presence

  • The greatest difficulty in waiting on the Lord will be your mind.
  • Use scripture to quiet your mind.
  • Read, once you sense God, the scripture is of no value.
  • Believe you have come into the presence of God, this is turning your heart to the Face of God.
  • As you read Pause.

Digesting the Goodness of God:

We must take this conversation into the depths of our soul, as we interact with the Spirit of Christ.  This conversation involves emotions. If we take the time to digest those emotions and converse with God like king David on the OT, .  It is essential that we not try and take up the work of the Holy Spirit, to try and transform ourselves into the image of God ( we have created either in childhood or in the blindness of our “Sinner Days”.

One of the main functions of your new regenerated will is to quiet your mind and settle the soul in preparation for the Presence and Grace of God.  The hand of Christ wielding the sword of the Spirit will begin to touch your heart.  Your desires will be transformed and you will be drawn away from the “Sinner” things of your past.  You are immersed into the Father’s Heart for His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Heart for His Beloved Son’s Bride.

Love you guys!

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