Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The WORD in the Believer's Life

We are moving from the milk into the meat of the Word.  Yes, everyone born into this world is made in the image of God, but when we are given new life through our faith in Jesus, we begin the journey of being made into the specific image of God's Son Jesus Christ.  In these days, it is essential for us to recognize the part we play in this process in each other's lives.  We can hasten that formation, as well as increase our collective joy.  Knowing the why's and how's of this craft are essential.  There are three areas I want to highlight.

Begotten by the Word, Tested in the Word, Validated by the Word.

Begotten - Given Birth into the Kingdom of God...When we believed the message of the good news of the cross of Christ, in that moment, we were instantly changed and a seed was planted.  That seed has within it the most powerful element in the universe, the character and nature of God.  Jesus in seed form, was planted in us.  We are now being, individually and corporately, made into the image of Christ.  This reality needs to be reaffirmed...this is what i am really getting at...reaffirm this in each other daily, that we are sons of the living God, wonderfully made in the image of Christ.  We have the creator, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, living and active inside of us.  Whenever we reaffirm this, the roots of that reality push down into our hearts, grabbing hold of us, and transform us ever more rapidly and thoroughly into His image.

Tested - We all experience toil and hardship, due to our sinful fallen nature.  However, now that we have the Word of God living and active in us, these experiences are meant to strengthen our resolve to push through.  We need each other to gently push us upward to the Son, where we get our nourishment.  It is in our "common place discussions" with each other that this occurs.  What we are really doing for each other is making each other a holy habitation of God.  We gently remove the rocks, life sucking weeds, and provide enough shelter against the harsh rays of the sun.  You see, we draw Jesus out of each other when we speak the encouraging Word of God to each other.  

Validation - We have to notice Jesus Christ in each other in order to draw Him out.  Deep calls unto deep.   Jesus in us draws Jesus out in others and Jesus in others draws Jesus out in us.  The Holy Spirit's purpose is to flow between us, doing this very thing.  When we recognize this, our hearts can rest and enjoy the spoils of God's work.  He validates His own.  We can enter his rest.  The work of God is to rest in the reality that He is calling His sheep.  There is a confidence in knowing He has it taken care of, the striving leaves us....faith and joy return, as when we were first saved.

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