Thursday, May 23, 2013

Staying focused...Rejoicing in sound doctrine

Luke 15:8-10 (ESV)      "Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.' Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents." 

God is a creative God, ever evolving in how He expresses Himself.  When we think we’ve got Him figured out, He changes the variables.  However, one variable never changes, Love.  That is why he defines Himself by it.  No matter what culture or ethnicity, the simplest gestures have the most powerful of effects.  As the Lord’s servants, we have been given talents to use by God, for the cause of Love.  We continually ask...what is our purpose...but don’t we know our Father’s purpose?  Our small gestures have a butterfly effect on those around us, and the world in general.  We have to be careful how we use the gifting, of which we are simply stewards. God has directed his people naturally in the past thru light and sound, primarily. However, let us not trust in what we see with our natural eyes and ears only...there is radiative component as well.  The greatest feelings of hope that I’ve experienced during my recovery have occurred when I am with other people...not necessarily “professing Christians”, as there are many out there, but with the Joe Plummers of the world.  Love and compassion are the only way that God draws his people into His fold. Compassion is what drives God (to fully know His people experientially… emotionally ...), and it’s what should drive us into the further reaches of this world to testify of that compassion, experiencing what other’s feel, seeking to understand them, not condemn them.  A new dawn is breaking upon us, are we well equipped emotionally to deal with the broken hearted?  God is, and he is asking His people to do the same.  A cleansing, by the washing of the Word, via His Holy Spirit is what’s happening.  I am not referring to a manufactured experience in a building one day a week, I am talking about a tectonic shift in how we view life.  If we focus further out, in our peripheral vision, the day to day will become magical.  If we concentrate on what’s right before us, we will get off track (i.e. the field plowing analogy).  Magic (glory) is hidden in the mundane my friends.  So again I say, use the talents God has given you for Love and God will give you the eye needed to recapture the magic from your childhood.

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